Monday, February 8, 2016


Kite:a light frame of wood or plastic, covered with some thin material, as paper, cloth, or plastic, to be flown in the wind at the end of a long string
Cells:a small room, such as in a convent or a prison
Finger print: huella dactilar
Delusion:the state of being deluded
Isolation:to set or place apart;
separate so as to be alon
Dumb:lacking intelligence or good judgment
Holes:a hollow place in a solid mass; cavity:
Graze up:to feed on growing grass or other plant life, as cattle, sheep, etc., do
Hopscotch:a game in which a child hops around a diagram drawn on the pavement to pick up a small object, as a stone or stick, that was previously thrown down in one part of the diagram.
Skipping: to move in a light, springy manner by hopping forward on first one foot then the other
Borrow:to obtain (something) with a promise to return it
Lend:to grant the use of (something) on condition that it or its equivalent will be returned:
Kettle:a pot, usually of metal, with a spout, handle, and lid used mainly to boil water
Bury:to put (a dead body) in the ground or a vault, or into the sea, often with ceremony
Burns down:to burn completely; to burn to the ground:
Claim compesation:
Roof:the outside, upper covering of a building
"I am the master of my brain" "Soy el amo de mi cerebro"
"I am the captain of my soil" "Yo soy el capitán de mi tierra"
But for: de no haber sido por...
Wasp:a slender winged insect with a narrow abdomen and a powerful sting
Fog:a slender winged insect with a narrow abdomen and a powerful sting
Debts:something that is owed or that one should pay to another
Sneeze:to produce air or breath suddenly, forcibly, and loudly through the nose and mouth by involuntary action
Hurry:to (cause to) move, proceed, or act with haste
Otherwise:under other circumstances


Sewer: an artificial passage, usually underground, for carrying off waste water and refuse, as in a town or city
Oil lamp: lampara de aceite
Maid:a female servant
Butler:the chief male servant of a household
Wool:the fine, soft, curly hair that forms the fleece of some animals, esp. sheep
Court:a place where legal justice is administered
Rings:a circular line or mark
"Held her head high": mantener la cabeza alta 
Knitting:something being knitted
Guilty:having committed an offense, crime, violation, or wrong, esp. against morals or against the law; culpable
Nappies:a diaper
Laundry maid:  lavandera
Housekepper:a person, often hired, who does housekeeping for a home
Blue dye: tinte azul
Starch:a person, often hired, who does housekeeping for a home
Tub:a bathtub
Mangle:to spoil; ruin;
Well: pozo
Dragged: to pull slowly and with effort
Sheets:a large rectangular piece of cotton used for bedding.
Tableclothes:a cloth for covering the top of a table, esp. during a meal
Tray:a flat, shallow container, used for carrying or displaying articles:
Washboard: rectangular board or frame, typically with a corrugated metallic surface, on which clothes are rubbed in the process of washing
Iron:a silver-white metallic element, used in some forms for making steel, tools, implements, machinery, etc., and also found in tiny quantities in food and in blood
Convict:a person who is in a prision 
Nightmare:a frightening or terrifying dream that produces feelings of great fear and anxiety
Theft:the act of stealing
Tuff conditions:condiciones pobres
Soil: the portion of the earth's surface made up of humus;
earthScout out: explorar