Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Dye is a chemical substance used to colour cloth. Cloth is dipped into a solution of dye by the dyer.
"Died in the wool" : we mean they are a person who holds fast to their opinions, beliefs or habits.
 If you died, you would be dead or deceased. Stop being alive.
"The die is cast" = "Crossed the Rubicon": means that you have embarked on a course of action that can´t be changed.
Dai is a Welsh name, the Welsh form of David.
A dai is a cube with 1 to 6 dots on each side, too.



  • Arc (archery)
  • The part of our lips (Cupid´s bow) 
  • The bow-tie
  • The thing that we use to play the violin
  • The part of a ship: fore

Sunday, October 4, 2015


  • Stumble: to strike the foot against something, as in running, so as to trip or fall
  • Landmarks: a feature in the landscape or an object in an area that is easily noticed or that serves as a guide, as to ships at sea or to travelers on a road
  • Gliffs: a high, steep rock face; precipice
  • Wrist: the part of the end of the arm where it joins the hand
  • Wheat: the grain of a cereal grass used in the form of flour.
  • Knight a mounted soldier serving under a lord or king and having an honorable rank.
  • Knota tying tightly together of the two ends of a cord, rope, or the like into a knob
  • Stir: a tying tightly together of the two ends of a cord, rope, or the like into a knob
  • Dropto (cause to) fall in globules such as water
  • Twinseither of two offspring born at one birth
  • Luggagesuitcases, trunks, etc
  • Accommodation: lodging
  • Mobile homea large house trailer, designed for year-round living in one place
  • Tripa traveling from one place to another
  • Flightsa trip by or in an airplane, esp. a scheduled trip on an airline
  • Duty- freefree of customs duty
  • Rascal: a dishonest person
  • Turfa layer of matted earth formed by grass and plant roots.
  • Sprained ankle/ I twisted my ankle: is an expression